20 things to track in your Daily Habit Tracker

A great thing to do for your productivity is keep a habit tracker. It’s a handy chart that allows you to keep track of your habits and how close you are to achieving your goals.

With a habit tracker it’s easy to see the actual progress you’re making instead of just guessing. It’s easy to forget about how many glasses of water you’re drinking in a day or what day exactly it was that you last exercised. A tracker allows you to track it in a very precise and organized way.

How to set it up

If you’ve never tried it, it’s really easy to set up. All you need is a blank sheet of paper, a pen and a ruler. Or if you prefer a ready-made template, get the Daily Habit Tracker printable.

If you’ve decided to create it yourself, all you need is a row for each habit you want to track, and then one column for each day of the month.

At the end of each day, sit down with your tracker and fill in the boxes for all the habits you did. Use colourful markers, draw a big check mark, a big X or whatever makes you feel good about checking off your habit.

What are some habits you can track?

  1. Water consumption
  2. Meditation
  3. Exercise (X number of steps per day, cardio session, strength training, yoga)
  4. Work on a project (hobby, home-improvement, creative)
  5. Tidying up
  6. Medication
  7. Symptoms (if you have a chronic illness using a tracker can help you have a comprehensive overview to show your doctor)
  8. Your period
  9. Quality time with family
  10. Writing in your journal
  11. Practising a new skill
  12. Affirmations/Prayer
  13. Floss
  14. Chores
  15. No spending
  16. No sugar
  17. Time for relaxing/Self-care
  18. Getting to bed on time
  19. Reading
  20. No social media

You can also use it to track your business habits, such as blog post writing, social media posting, product creating, marketing, and updating your website. Anything you need to do regularly can go in a habit tracker.

Remember, it takes 21 days to make or break a habit. Start small, maybe one or two habits, and when you feel confident about those add a few more. It’s difficult to create new habits or break old ones, but a habit tracker is a great tool to help you accomplish it.