Staying organised at home

During this time of working from home and social distancing I am trying even harder to stay organised and keep some semblance of normality and routine in my life.

While working from home and trying to reduce my trips to the grocery store to once a week, I’ve been relying on my Meal Planner to make sure I use up everything I’ve bought and make sure I have enough meals to last me through the week. 

Weekly Meal Planner

It also helps to see all your meals written down to make them a bit more varied and not end up eating pasta every day of the week. For the weekends I try to add in something new to try to keep things interesting and to learn some new recipes. 

Working from home

I actually like working from home and am lucky enough to have a job that allows me to do that, and a pretty good set up that allows me to do so fairly comfortably and ergonomically. Still the stress of the pandemic is definitely noticeable in a lack of focus.

To do list for projects and bigger tasks

To combat this I’m breaking down my work tasks into smaller bits using the Project To Do List. As a project I put a larger chunk of work (I’m a web developer so in this case building a new page template), then I list all the small tasks required to finish that and add them to my to do list. 

Not having a massive chunk of work to deal with, but a small set of steps, is helping me to stay a little bit more focused. But I think it’s important to acknowledge that it’s okay to be less productive now than before. It’s okay to struggle. And we have to be gentle with ourselves, be kind, because it is hard, but beating ourselves up won’t make it any better.

 Stay at home. Be kind to one another, and yourself.